2021/08- to date:松山湖材料实验室,实用超导薄膜研究团队,博士后
2019/04 - 2021/06: 中山大学,材料科学与工程学院,光电材料与技术国家重点实验室,高分子复合材料与功能材料重点实验室,博士后
[1]M. Boubeche, N. Wang, J. Sun, P. Yang, L. Zeng, Y. He, S. Luo, J. Cheng, H. Luo. Anomalous Charge Density Wave State Evolution and Dome-Like Superconductivity in CuIr2Te4-xSex, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 34(11), 115003 (2021)
[2]M. Boubeche, J. Yu, C. Li, H. Wang, L. Zeng, Y. He, X. Wang, W. Su, M. Wang, D. Yao, Z. Wang, H. Luo, Superconductivity and Charge Density Wave in Iodine-doped CuIr2Te4. Chin. Phys. Lett. 38, 037401(2021).
[3]Y. He, M. Boubeche, Y. Zhou, D. Yan, L. Zeng, X. Wang, K. Yan, Huixia Luo. Topologically nontrivial 1T’-MoTe2 as highly efficient hydrogen evolution electrocatalyst. J. Phys. Mater. 4 014001 (2021)
[4]L. Zeng, D. Yan Y. He, M. Boubeche, Y. Huang, X. Wang, H. Luo, Effect of Ti substitution on the superconductivity of CuIr2Te4 telluride chalcogenide, J. Alloys Compd. 885, 160981 (2021).
[5]W. Khan, Z. Ye, M. Boubeche, Tong Liu, Z. Guo, Y, Zhang, Robust thermal performance and color purity of samarium based deep red emitting phosphor for near-UV chip-based high-color-rendering, J. Alloys Compd. 888 16153 (2021).
[6]W. Khan, W. Khan, Z. Ye, M. Boubeche, T. Shi, D. Khan, Y. Zhang, Bifunctional samarium activated red-emitting and thermal resistant phosphor for simultaneous field emission displays and white light-emitting diodes, Ceram. Int. In Press (2021)
[7]S. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Huang, L. Zeng, Y. He, M. Boubeche, H. Luo, Ce0.9Pr0.1O2-δ-Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3-δ dual-phase membranes: oxygen permeability and stability, Chemie Ingenieur Technik (2021)
[8]Y. He, T. Wang, M. Zhang, T. Wang, L. Wu, L. Zeng, X. Wang, M. Boubeche, S. Wang, K. Yan, S-H Lin, Huixia Luo. Discovery and facile synthesis of a new silicon-based family as efficient hydrogen evolution reaction catalysts: a computational and experimental investigation of metal monosilicides. Small, 2006153 (2021)
[9]X. Wang, Y. Huang, D. Li, L. Zeng, Y. He, M. Boubeche, H. Luo, High oxygen permeation flux of cobalt-free Cu-based ceramic dual-phase membranes, J. Membr.Sci. 633, 119403 (2021)
[10]X. Wang, L. Shi, Y. Huang, L. Zeng, M. Boubeche, D. Li, Huixia Luo, CO2-Tolerant Oxygen Permeation Membranes Containing Transition Metals as Sintering Aids with High Oxygen Permeability Processes, 9(3), 528; (2021)
[11]D. Yan, S. Wang, Y. Lin, G. Wang, Y. Zeng, M. Boubeche, Y. He, J. Ma, Y. Wang, D. Yao, H. Luo. NbSeTe—a new layered transition metal dichalcogenide superconductor, NbSeTe—a new layered transition metal dichalcogenide superconductor. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32 025702 (2020)
[12]S. Wang, L. Shi, M. Boubeche, H. Wang, Z. Xie, W. Tan, Y. He, D. Yan, H. Luo. Effect of Fe/Co ratio on the structure and oxygen permeability of Ca-containing composite membranes. Inorg. Chem. Front. 6, 2885-2893 (2019)
[13]S. Wang. L. Shi. M. Boubeche. X. Wang. L. Zeng, H. Wang, Z. Xie, W. Tan, H. Luo, Influence of Ln elements (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm) on the structure and oxygen permeability of Ca-containing dual-phase membranes,
[14]L. Shi, S. Wang, T. Lu, Y. He, D. Yan, Q. Lan, Z. Xie, H. Wang, M. Boubeche and H. Luo. Effects of Al content on the oxygen permeability through dual-phase membrane 60 Ce0.9Pr0.1O2-δ - 40Pr0.6Sr0.4Fe1-xAlxO3-δ. Ceram. Int. 45 (16), 20033-20039 (2019)
[15]M. Boubeche, Z. Lui, C. Bai, Y. Guo, C. Cai, Bilayers of YDyBCO+Dy211/YDyBCO for high-performance coated conductors derived by metallorganic solution deposition, Mater. Res. Express 5, 026001 (2018)
[16]M. Boubeche, C. Cai, M. Li, X. Liu, C. Shi Z. Lui, C. Bai, Y. Guo, Enhanced pinning properties of the bilayers of YDy0.5Ba2Cu3O7-δ by SrZrO3 nanoparticles through low fluorine metallorganic solution deposition, J. Supercond. Nov. Magn, 31(8), 2321-2317 (2018)
[17]M. Boubeche, C. Cai, H. Jian, M, Li, W. Yang, Z. Liu, C. Bai, Thick REBaCuO superconducting films through single-coating of low-fluorine metallorganic solution, Cryogenics, 79, 49-52 (2016)
[18]H. Zhong, X. Liu, M. Boubeche, Y. Guo, M. Li, C. Bai, Z. Liu, Y. Lu, C. Cai. Angular-dependent Vortex Pinning Properties of YBa2Cu3O7-δ/Y2O3 Quasi-multilayers, J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 31, 55–59 (2017)
[19]H. Jian, H. Zhong, X. Liu, Z. Liu, C. Bai, Y. Lu, Y. Guo, M. Boubeche, Q. Fang, H. Zhang, C. Cai, Oxygen order control by post-annealing for optimizing critical temperature of YBaCuO coated conductors with silver protective layer, Physica C Supercond. 538. 40-45 (2017)
[20]C. Cai,M. Boubeche, Q.Shu,Y. Li, Z. Liu,C. Bai, F. Fan, Y. Guo, Q. Lu, Recent Development and Emerged Technologies of High-Tc Superconducting Coated Conductors, Journal of Anhui Normal University ( Natural Science), 38 (3), 205-216 (2015)
[21]G. Shu, Minjuan Li, M. Boubeche, Z. Liu, C. Bai, C. Cai, Thick YBa2Cu3O7−δ Superconducting Films by Low-Fluorine Metallorganic Solution Deposition, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 24(5) 1-4 (2014)
[22]Yan Dong; Zeng Yijie, Lin Yishi, Zeng Lingyong, Yin, Junjie; Boubeche, Mebrouka; Wang, Meng; Wang, Yihua; Yao, Dao-xin; Luo, Huixia,Robust superconductivity in (ZnxCu1-x)0.5IrTe2, J. Phys. Chem. C. 125(10), 5732–5738 (2021)
[23]M. Zhang, D. Hu, Z. Xu, B. Liu, M. Boubeche, Z. Chen, Y Wang, H Luo, K Yan, Facile synthesis of Ni-, Co-, Cu-metal organic frameworks electrocatalyst boosting for hydrogen evolution reaction, J. Mater. Sci Technol. 72, 172-179 (2021).
[1] Natural Science Foundation of China (51572165, 11174193 and 51202141)
[2] The National Key R&D Program (2016YFF0101701)
[3] The Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (16521108400, 16DZ0504300, and 14521102800).
[4] The fundamental research funds for the central universities (19lgzd03)
[5] Guangdong basic and applied basic research foundation (2019A1515011718)